Jacobs, Louis L et. al. (2006) The occurrence and geological setting of Cretaceous dinosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs and turtles from Angola; J. Paleont. Soc. Korea, 22(1), pp.91-110
The occurrence and geological setting of Cretaceous dinosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs and turtles from Angola
Principal Author
Louis L Jacobs
Other Authors
Miguel Telles Antunes, Michael J. Polcyn, Anne S Schulp, Maria Louisa Morais, Octávio Mateus, Tatiana da Silva Tavares
Academic paper
J. Paleont. Soc. Korea
Vertebrate-bearing fossiliferous outcrops of Cretaceous age in sub-Saharan Africa are rare because of younger superficial deposits, vegetation cover, and the widespread occurrence of Precambrian metamorphic plateau basement comprising much of the continent. However, one area of extensive marine and nonmarine Cretaceous exposures is found between the plateau and the coast in Angola. The Angolan margin was formed in conjunction with the breakup of Gondwana and subsequent growth of the South Atlantic. Cretaceous deposits are constrained in age by the emplacement of oceanic crust, which began no later than magnetozone M3 (approximately 128 Ma, Barremian). Shallow marine facies are exposed in sea cliffs but equivalent facies become increasingly terrestrial inland. Few vertebrate fossils have been described from Angola aside from sharks. Notable exceptions are the late Turonian mosasaurs Angolasaurus bocagei and Tylosaurus iembeensis from northern Angola. Those taxa are significant because they are among the earliest derived mosasaurs. Recent field work led to the discovery of a new skull of Angolasaursus as well as sharks, fish, plesiosaurs, the skull of a new taxon of turtle, additional mosasaurs, and the articulated forelimb of a sauropod dinosaur, the first reported dinosaur from Angola. In southern Angola, marine sediments spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary are found.
Cretaceous, dinosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, turtles, Angola