Sollas, W. J. (1881) On a NEW SPECIES of Plesiosaurus (Pconybeari) from the LOWER LIAS of CHARMOUTH; with observations on P. megacephalusSTUTCHBURY, and P. brachycephalus, OWEN. Accompanied by a Supplement on the Geographical Distribution of the GENUS Ple
On a NEW SPECIES of Plesiosaurus (Pconybeari) from the LOWER LIAS of CHARMOUTH; with observations on P. megacephalusSTUTCHBURY, and P. brachycephalus, OWEN. Accompanied by a Supplement on the Geographical Distribution of the GENUS Plesiosaurus.
Principal Author
W. J. Sollas
Academic paper
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
Tws nearly complete and very fine specimen of Plesiosaurus (P1. XXIII. fig. 1) which forms the subject of the present paper is the latest addition to the already large collection of fossil reptiles preserved in the Bristol Museum. It was found over a year ago, by by Samuel Clarke of Charmouth, on the north-west corner of Blackven Water, haft a mile west of the river Char, where it lay in a "table-ledge" of the Lower Lias, some seven feet above the "boulder-bed." From its position and the species ~ of Ammonite still associated with it, we may eonchde that its geological horizon is that of the zone of Ammonites obtuxus.