Lindow, Bent (2000) Danish Plesiosaur material - email; Email,
Danish Plesiosaur material - email
Principal Author
Bent Lindow
Due to a relocation from one building to another of the Geological Institute in Copenhagen, most of the scientists hired students to help them move. As I was helping Niels Bonde (who is lecturer in Vertebrate Palaeontology at the Geological Institute) empty his cupboards, I found the bones of no less than three plesiosaurs from Greenland. The specimens are:

- The holotype of Cryptocleidus (Apractocleidus) aldingeri, von Huene 1935, from Milne Land in Greenland. Niels says that the specimen (which seems to be in a very good condition, albeit somewhat disarticulated) is in a serious need of a redescription, since von Huene made some major anatomical mistakes.

- An undescribed plesiosaur from Ellesmere Island, which was excavated in the 20'es or 30'es by the danish Greenland expeditions. The speciemen is disarticulated, but the remains seem to be in a good condition.

- Another undescribed plesiosaur, this time from Scoresbysund i Eastern Greenland, in a very good condition. There should be a 3D mount of the shoulder girdle of this beast somewhere in the collections of the Geological Museum in Copenhagen.

All three plesiosaur-specimens are now lying in boxes in a storeroom in Copenhagen, but it should be easy to get to them for those who are interested in studying them (We've got the boxes marked on an inventory and numbered). The plesiosaurs probably belong to the Geological Museum, but are in the care of Niels Bonde.